Sunday, October 5, 2008


Webster's Unabridged Dictionary defines peristalsis as successive waves of involuntary contraction passing along the walls of the intestine or other hollow muscular structure and forcing the contents onward.

Usually, what the mouths of most animals - including humans - take in, passes through the intestines, a hollow muscular structure, forced onward and outward through the anus. In Sarah Palin's case, the process appears to be working in reverse. The Republican Party tactical political geniuses who have been pumping words through Ms. Palin have been using an enema bag filled with excreta about presidential candidate Barack Obama. This results in reverse peristaltic discharges of aromatically and foul-tasting material through her hollow muscular structure, her mouth.

By allowing and enabling this process, Ms. Palin has revealed an extraordinary shallow capacity for thinking and an extraordinarily gargantuan capacity for malicious stupidity, unless she actually enjoys eating her own excreta. And her smiles, winks, and head-tossing do seem to indicate that she is pleasuring herself by her vocal ejaculations.

Sadly, substantial portions of the American electorate seem to be pleasuring themselves vicariously as they watch and listen to this ventriloquist's dummy getting her rocks off on candidate Obama.

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