Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It used to be, “You stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours.”

By agreement, the nations of the world have set up strong high opaque insulated fences between them that allow their rulers and the power elites that control them to exercise their power unmolested by any other nation’s intervention. The fences consist of the laws or absence of laws of each nation and between and among nations. The fences, also known as borders, have developed and are maintained by a variety of agreements, treaties, pacts, and rules of behavior between individual nations and communities of nations and by international agreements that delineate acceptable and unacceptable means and methods of intercourse among them.

The key to understanding these webs of agreements lies in examining the needs of power elites to protect their positions. The key to understanding when and why the agreements are broken lies in examining the desires of power elites to enhance their power or to protect their power from encroachment by powers outside the national borders.

Because of the variety of forms of internal governance among the nations of the world, a set of generally accepted conventions has been established and developed, and for the most part also observed, over centuries that allow for brutal dictatorships to live comfortably side by side with the most quiescent of democratic nations. The prime example is Switzerland that has in the past had Hitler’s Nazi Germany on one of its borders and Mussolini’s Fascist Italy on another, with hedonistic France on the third border and horrendous wars and holocausts exploding all around it. By international agreement, Switzerland was “neutral.” The Swiss, in peace, could milk their cows and make their cheese and chocolate, manufacture fine watches, and sell their products to all comers. This is called, “International Order.”

Other events took place by international agreement at Switzerland’s borders that were less bucolic. Turning over to the Nazis of Jewish refugees constituted abiding by such an agreement by the “neutral” Swiss. Serving as Nazi Germany’s money launderer also constituted abiding by international agreements, thus enabling that murderous regime access to needed supplies for its war machine that were not available for purchase with Reichmarks.

This cozy international arrangement is in process of Darwinian mutation. Brutality and savagery are returning to an earlier mode. Internal factions within nations are rising to power, driven by religious sectarianism, by minority ethnicities within nations rather than nationalism, by local warlord competition for control of resources valuable on world markets, and by uncontrolled political dissension within weak national structures.

These forces are changing the nature of power elites and as a result, the nature of “international order.” Computer communication is the primary tool that has enabled the new power elites to conquer fragmented nations and societies much as it has enabled individuals to obtain and control enormous wealth for beneficial outcomes. Inexpensive, wide-spread computer use has enabled nuclear proliferation, arms purchases, terrorist organization command and control structures, espionage on a grand scale, propaganda and education for deleterious purposes, and an enormous variety of legal and illegal ways by which to gain control of wealth and populations and threaten peaceful co-existence on the planet.

International Order has taken a back seat to International Control. The relations between nations rest on their relative ruling class homogeneity. The need for votes to assume power places political leadership in democratic countries at a severe disadvantage in negotiating with oligarchies and dictatorships, especially when such governments are melded with singularly powerful religious orders. The power elites of democratic countries control governments that in turn control their populace by systems of laws whereas the power elites of oligarchies control the minds of their populations by combining religion and state. As wealth has spread to the more undeveloped and less sophisticated or modern societies, control of that wealth has enabled their leaders to stand with equality to other proportionally comparable wealthy political entities. So as power in the past has been wielded under the old order at the United Nations, today, small nations under ruthless dictatorships wield an equally powerful stick. And the change in status of smaller nations continues to grow ever more powerful as those nations defy the old order by taking control of their populations, their economies, and their armies.

Also, within smaller nations, split control now rests in the hands of non-governmental entities such as the Taliban that uses religion and guns to control warrior elements, control opium production and sale, plus the substantial increased use of computers since 2003 to establish political control over segments of their country, Afghanistan. Whether under religious control or ethnic control, whether with government or in revolt against government, the wealthy in these societies, as in most of the nations in the world, join forces with all conflicting elements within the nation. Arms merchants sell to all comers. Smugglers are the family members of customs officials. The spies in government are paid by the same elements against whom they are spying. Financial kingpins sit with all parties. Ergo, no longer is there “Order.” Now there exists only “Control.”

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Capitalism is an economic system designed to increase wealth of investors. Humanism is a doctrine based on the value of human life. The system and the doctrine are fundamentally at odds for the vast majority of humans.

The by-product of capitalism, an efficient system for converting natural resources and labor into wealth, and perhaps its driving force, is a humongous uneven distribution of that wealth and the benefits that wealth provides for those who possess it and control it. In the United States, as in much of the industrialized world, the disparity between the wealthy and the lower working classes in their way of life, is not grossly evident. Significant differences exist in education, health care, leisure time, military service, and quality of transportation and food, clothing, and shelter. If "choice" in all aspects of living was measurable, the humongous differences would become apparent immediately.

Only in the State of Alaska is there a distribution of the fruits of the capitalist system to non-capitalist investors. The state's constitution provides for payment to citizens a portion of revenues derived from some of the state's natural resources.

From the Alaska government website: "The Permanent Fund was established through a constitutional amendment approved by Alaska voters in 1976. The constitutional amendment and its supporting statutes set aside at least 25% of certain mineral revenues paid to the State for deposit into a public savings account to be invested for the benefit of the current and all future generations of Alaskans."

Well how about that? Let the citizens of every state in the Union vote for such a state and federal constitutional amendment. Alaska is called the "Socialist State," because of that collective ownership of natural resources that is given away or sold or leased by the federal or state governments to private enterprise for the benefit of private enterprise, despite the fact that the resources are owned by ALL the people of the state or the United States.

Think of the land as we do of the air, of sunshine, of the oceans. Or will the states and the federal government sell and lease the air and the sunshine and the ocean waters to private enterprise for the benefit of investors as they do the national forests, the oil, ores, and coal under the ground. After all, citizens pay the taxes which is where all government money comes from. All taxpayers are therefore investors in the development and use of natural resourses.

Here's a good example of a method of combining capitalism and humanism.


Will there always be war? Yes! Why? Because there is money in it.


The pawns of war, the masses of ordinary powerless people, who agree to kill, agree to support war, agree to support governments that decide to make war, are incited to their actions by several weapons used by those who benefit from war

The most commonly used weapons to incite and motivate are religion, patriotism/ nationalism, ethnic animosity, and economic and social position on their society's ladder.

Religion: God is always on OUR side.
Patriotism/Nationalism: Our country, right or wrong, is being attacked.
Ethnic animosity: The Berbs, the Kites, the Wutsis, the Lubos, or the whatever, are stealing our land, raping our women, and killing our children.
Economic/social position: The lower on the ladder, the lower the education and I.Q. level, the lower the income and the more difficult life is, the easier it is to incite this group by blaming OTHERS and assuring BENEFITS to the class by going to war.

Wars are waged to gain and protect wealth and power. But those who have wealth and power do not want to die or have THEIR children killed. SO? What to do about that? Incite and motivate OTHERS to do the dirty job. And help them believe that by going to war, they are doing the right thing and the best thing they could possibly do for theirs and their countries and their religions and their tribes and for themselves.

Believe it or not!

Friday, September 19, 2008


From The New York Times, Thursday, September 18, 2008.

In an effort to bolster her foreign policy credentials, Sarah Palin, the vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party from a small town in Alaska, plans to visit New York City.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The foundations of the United States of America were laid in the carved out soil of Europe of the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. The economic and political systems in place in those centuries provided New World thinkers – and some revolutionary European thinkers – with the ideas that led to the establishment of this country under a constitution that overthrew bedrock ideas of royalty, religion, and relationships among and between man and government and man and man.

Separating church from state destroyed a long established hierarchal pillar that enabled the establishment here of the revolutionary idea that “All men are created equal.” After years of struggle of women and slaves and disenfranchised and un-propertied, the term “men” came to mean human beings. Even in this election year of 2008, human beings of voting age still fight legal battles for the right to vote.

Notwithstanding that contractual separation between religion and “We the People” and its government, the Catholic Church has continually waged war against that contract and has been joined by other fundamentalist religious orders to penetrate and destroy one of the foundation walls of America.

By demanding from Catholics that they vote against or not vote for an individual who holds unapproved or unorthodox beliefs though he holds himself to be Catholic, by threat of all the sanctions a religion may bring to bear on individuals who contest a firmly held religious belief or on those who might vote for such an individual, religion is destroying a different sanctity; the sanctity of the separation of church and state.

We look at the fanaticism of Muslimism with dismay. We are shocked at the teaching of children in Moslem madrassahs that a way to heaven is through suicide bombings and the murder of Jews and Americans. We Americans look with shock and awe at “religious” actions that are so contrary to the well-being, the very lives, of people.

How can the Catholic Church DARE to come into the political lives of American Catholics and threaten them with ex-communication, with not receiving holy communion, with homilies on unholiness stemming from political choices. Do today’s Catholics not know that their forbears were persecuted by other religionists and are still persecuted to this day? Is separation of church and state anti-religious? Is beheading and burning at the stake more sacrosanct than voting for the non-believer or the believer in a woman’s right to chose. Is it more sacred for a Catholic woman to bear many children who will grow up Catholic than to enable a woman to fulfill her own destiny by choosing, yea or nay, to bear a child? Every individual, including a pregnant woman, deserves the fullest term that life can provide. To pit religious belief that life begins at conception against the legal belief that life begins at birth is to pit religion against state. And now, to intervene in the electoral process to establish that belief as legal, is politically unholy to a criminal degree.

Yes, we can trace the roots of our core belief in the separation of church and state to those identical horrific, bloody, torturous actions and teachings of our European forbears that led our wise constitutional congress to separate, firmly and constitutionally, church and state.

Monday, September 15, 2008


This from Harvey Chaimowitz:

First I read the entry about how McCain will win with the unthinking help of Fox listeners. Then came the entry about using bible instead of science to control the electorate. That theory accounts for much of what you say in the first one, why McCain's duped voters cannot change their minds. You need to recall that most of them have been propagandized since birth about religion and conservatism and how nicely they blend, with barely a mention of separation of church and state. A more disgusting and alarming trend is Jews becoming more and more conservative. When they were downtrodden, they were great liberals. Now they're too well-off for that bullshit. They're deserting to the camp of beleaguered rich, circling the wagons against the rapacious savage poor. I can conclude only that it's human nature.

My response:

Re Jewish conversion to conservatism; I agree with you whole-heartedly about the connection between wealth and conservatism. The real problem lies in this; the middle and upper classes consider themselves wealthy when in fact, only the king and queen (and their families, their descendants and others that hide behind their skirts, protect them from each other and from other kings and queens; in other words, the Power Elite. They are truly wealthy and benefit from the actions of mid-level functionaries. The rooks, bishops, and knights are all there to protect and advance the interests of the Power Elite, i.e., the King and Queen and their cohorts. They are government appointees and employees, they are the second tier business hierarchy, they are the upper echelon priesthood and military officer corps. But, and this is their tragedy, they are equally disposable as are the pawns. So now, our Jewish brethren, no longer selling fish from pushcarts, no longer the labor organizers, no longer forbidden entrance to elite universities, consider themselves part of that upper crust when in reality, they are the fruit in the pie, ready to be eaten with the lower crust to satisfy the needs and desires of their true "betters."

Call it human nature if you will. I call it evolution Darwinian style, i.e., survival of the fittest - the fittest are always in the power elites of all societies - ALL societies. Sometimes they get cannibalized and sometimes they are in the wrong power place at the wrong time. But mostly, this club, this secret society, continues from generation to generation and from nation to nation, holding hands smugly as they go about their rapacious ways.


PS I think you will enjoy this website:

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Most Republican analysis and reasons for not voting for Barak Obama cannot be refuted. They are solid, reasoned, and sound reasonable. They are also the result of pre-determination. There is no possibility that any kind of discussion or facts or input will change a Republican's mind. He is firm in his beliefs and his posture. If you have not yet decided on for whom to vote, then you may be able to search for the inappropriate, the nonsensical, the unimportant, the falsehood bases, even the stupid arguments and assertions in what he writes and says. However, if you strongly agree with Republican Fox News statements and say, "Right on!" stop reading this note now.

The sad truth is that approximately 94% of the electorate is as solidly decided as Republicans are. That electorate places John McCain in the winning position at this time of the race. I say "sad truth" because much of the decisions are based on determinations made prior to input of any kind into the decision mix that would enable a change of choices. Like, "Don't bother me with the facts. My mind is made up."

The amount of money spent on campaign advertising is huge, as you must be aware. The target of of the advertising is the undecided six percent of the electorate. No one really knows what will lead them to decide for or against either party or candidate. The choice by McCain to take Sarah Palin as his running mate for vice president of the country for her sex appeal and what she represents in political smarts and religious zeal, is evidence of cynicism so deep as to be scary. She would become of puppet of the power elites of the country just as George W. Bush has been for the past eight years. But she may well tip the scales using campaign advertising to appeal to a greater number of the undecided than would have an intelligent mature experienced choice by McCain and his advisors, hidden and on camera.

Now, my opinion, which I believe to be more rationally based than any Republican's, is that Obama will make the better president. He is smarter, more and better educated, his experience in and of the world is greater than McCain's, and his underlying philosophies regarding the distribution of his countrymen's products of goodies is more humane and humanistic. His stands on health-care, education, religion, foreign policy, and the Constitution of the United States of America, are best suited to the future well-being of our citizenry and the growth of our country. His stand on the war, its past, present and future conduct will certainly make America safer with much less loss of life and money than McCain could imagine. His choice of vice-presidential running mate is a clear indication of superior intelligence and fundamental understanding of America's position and needs in the world. Calling Joe Biden or anyone else for that matter, a "Liberal" as the Republicans do, simply elevates and enhances his status in my eyes. Conservatives represent the monied interests of the country to the detriment of 95% of the population. How any working person (the majority of people in the U.S.) can believe that voting in a conservative politician is beneficial to their lives is simply the result of low intelligence or high/overdose propaganda intake levels from Fox News.

Though all presidents are beholden to greater or lesser extents to powerful money interests, McCain has shown no inclination or ability to withstand their emoluments or their pressures. Nor does he have the smarts to out-maneuver them.

Finally, if McCain dies in office, the elevation of Sara Palin to the presidency is enough to prohibit any reasonable person from voting for him.

So which is it, Republican voter, cupidity or stupidity?

Saturday, September 13, 2008


FASCISM - Webster's definition: A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and race above the individual and that stands for a centralized auticratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible suppression of opposition.

There will be an American version of fascism that grows out of America's national, legal, and governmental systems. The choice of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate in August of 2008 will be seen as the second step in the take-over of the American government by fascist forces. The first overt step was the choice of Richard Cheney as vice president in the year 2000.

After reading as much as is out there about Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, John McCain's action in asking her to be his vice-presidential running mate was a border-line criminal act under American law. This is especially true in view of the probability that her being on the ticket resulted from and was based on a series of lies and falsehoods that may enhance his chance of winning the election fraudulently. McCain knowingly, with intent to win the election, chose a potential future president who will endanger the United States of America by what she knows and what she does not know and what she believes and believes in and what she does not believe or believe in. Outstanding in this quagmire of ignorance and prejudice is antagonism to the laws of the country and the constitution of the United States which she will swear to uphold if elected.

McCain's choice can only be judged as an act against the interests and laws of the United States and the people of the United States. The conspirators who created this criminal plot, placed in their positions of influence in the McCain campaign apparatus by hugely powerful wealthy right-wing ideologues, intend to continue the reign of puppets as leaders of the government in the tradition of George W. Bush as pretend-president to enable the ongoing rape of the country's resources and the ever increasing death toll of the country's youth in money-motivated wars spinning out of control in three countries. These acts have sown the seeds of an overt takeover of the government of the United States.

There is little hope that the forces at work and the people and organizations involved in the McCain campaign will become known to the electorate. Surrogates will appear in conventional advisory campaign roles. The people of the United States are experiencing the growth of a totalitarian regime using the same election techniques that Hitler's Nazi Party used to acquire power in Germany in the early 1930s. National Socialism will grow here under a benign-sounding name like "Republican Conservatism" or "American Economic Fundamentalism" or some other simple combination of words that will slither into place to mystify and befuddle the American people and the rest of the world so that America's Power Elites may continue the depradations of the prior government.

There have been other signs of this onset of erosion of Democracy by Fascist forces. The list of actions by fascistic forces over the past eight years of the George W. Bush presidency shows the elimination of democracy and fundamental freedoms and their replacement with a totalitarian regime. The destruction of the Barak Obama presidential campaign will make the take-over more apparent.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


If history is the written story of mankind’s existence on the planet Earth, are the Christian bible or the Jewish Torah, mankind’s early history from the creation to the time when the five books of that bible were completed, or are other lesser known (in the Western World) religious tomes that purport to be the history of mankind’s creation by a deity or deities, to be construed as “history” for educational purposes? This question underlies the ongoing struggle for the minds and votes of people in the United States and has penetrated the country’s schools at all educational levels.

The difference between knowledge and belief has been adumbrated by religionists. That is not surprising. What is surprising is the amount of money expended by power elites to assure the continuance of that struggle between the government support of education and religious influence on the teaching of history and science. That money is being used to equate religious “creationism” with science-based evolution. Why? A foundation of American democracy, separation of church and state, is being attacked and eroded. Why? Tax law that supported that foundational ideal has been attacked and redrawn by elected representatives in both houses of congress and huge amounts of money from religious entities are being poured into presidential races and into the choices of judges and Supreme Court justices, to allow religious institutions and their supporters to pour money into this conflict without suffering detrimental tax consequences. Why?

What is so important about teaching that God created man?

The answer lies in the power that religion holds in the minds of humankind. Creationism is a powerful introduction to the “miracles of God.” God is all powerful and can answer any question that man can ask. And God talks through the religions of man and religion’s minions, the churches, the priests and preachers, the representatives of God on earth. Evolution simply doesn't have the enormous meaning and power that God has.

Power elites want that power, fight for it, fight over it with each other, use it to motivate masses of people to vote, to go to war, and to accept their miserable lot in life. So when “history” is taught in our school systems, it may sound eerily similar to the Sunday preachings from the local pulpit.

Monday, September 8, 2008


NEWS: Pedestrian falls into open manhole.
OPINION: A manhole cover, removed for servicing below street-level cables, was carelessly not guarded by city workmen, leading to serious injury to a pedestrian who fell into the open hole.
PROPAGANDA: A careless pedestrian fell into an open manhole being used by city workmen to make crucial repairs to city cables.

David Bauder, The Associated Press: "MSNBC said Sunday it is replacing Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews as co-anchors of political night coverage with David Gregory, and will use the two newsmen as commentators. The change reflects tensions between the freewheeling, opinionated MSNBC and the impartial newsgatherers at NBC News. Throughout the primaries and summer, MSNBC argued that Olbermann and Matthews could serve as dispassionate anchors on political news nights and that viewers would accept them in that role, but things fell apart during the conventions. Gregory, the veteran Washington hand, will anchor MSNBC's coverage of the presidential and vice presidential debates and election night, said Jeremy Gaines, network spokesman."

An event is seen, heard, experienced, described, recorded. It is recorded for history. Between the occurence of the event and its recordation, lies a need for explication, an explication that often needs lies.

The powers that control the media for the disemination of "news," are the powers that determine the explication, the choice of analysis and meaning and often, the very facts themselves of the events. The conflict between the observers and participants in historical events and the recorders for history lies in controlled darkness. The purpose and goal of that control is identical to and a part of the drive for acquisition and control of power, of wealth.

Therein lies the reason for power elites to control the mass media. Adolph Hitler's propaganda machine provides the quintessential picture of the how and why of mass media control by German unified government and economic forces.

Today, in the United States of America, the "free press" is no longer free. It is chained by interlocking economic interests whose goal is the acquisition of power and wealth. The news media of the country are being consolidated in rapacious fashion by power elites with the cooperation of government agencies established to protect the freedom of the press. As the country moves its economic model closer and closer to a fascistic state, the battle for media control becomes more apparent and more urgent for dueling business giants.

The recognition that control of future history means control of wealth, has accelerated the battle for control of the mass media. The elimination of "free-wheeling, opinionated" commentators and their replacement by politically friendly hacksters, is proceeding under the noses of a complacent and ever more ignorant population and their compliant elected representatives.

Watch this phenomenon take place and ask if there is anything that can be done about it? Let me know your answer, please.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The New York Times, September 3, 2008 (The front page.)
Hezbollah Shrine to Terror Suspect Enthralls Lebanese Children
by Robert E. Worth.

The editors of The New York Times, a most influential newspaper by any standard, has allowed their reporter, Mr. Worth, to venerate a mass murderer, Imad Mugniyah ("the shadowy Hezbollah commander suspected in the West of masterminding devastating bombings, kidnappings and hijackings in the 1980s and '90s.") on its front page. The article describes the shrine and its educational impact, "capturing the hearts and imaginations" of the busloads of people, including children, who are being indoctrinated in hatred via the adulation shown by teachers and religious, militant leaders for this murderous assassinated terrorist.

The Times calls this murderer a "terrorism suspect." This yellow-livered description of Mugniyah makes the newspaper a partner in this horrific educational process.

Most important is the growth in awareness of the civilized world that religious fundamentalism is akin to cancer in the human body. The elevation of the creed of "death to non-believers" to millions of "believers" will lead to continuous conflict and irreconcilable differences between peoples the world over. And with the growth of poverty, the soil in which these seeds of death are planted, the horror of immoral religious teachings will bring ever greater speed to the descent of mankind into the abyss of a modern dark age.

For their own future safety, the power elites of the world must share their wealth and reduce the enormous economic gap between classes. Absent a concentrated organized program to achieve this goal is suicidal for the upper classes in all societies. No amount of fire-power will hold back the forces of destruction unleashed by religious terrorism.