Monday, March 29, 2010


The world is beginning, nay, rushing to hate Israel. The smart world sees Israel as dynamic, modern, strong, creative. Substitute the word “Jews” for Israel and another slant on the truth takes place. That is not pretty. See anti-semitism return to power. To achieve peace in the Middle East and make everybody happy, Israel must become a primitive, poverty-stricken, uneducated, caste system, tribal, oligarchic state. It may not even be a state but rather a collection of nomads wandering the world begging for life. And it must learn to hate the Jews, self hatred if you will, to fit in to the Middle East.

And the billion primitive, Islamic, oligarchic tribal, poverty-stricken, Israel-hating populations of the earth, despite a television set in every pot, see Israel as a degenerate thief of their lands and wealth, a blot on the face of the earth deserving to be erased. Prayer-hardened foreheads for the men and burka-covered women protecting their virginity from peering eyes of lustful men promote a world of degeneracy, hatred, slavery, and early death. And hatred of the Jews.

The land is tilled by wooden plows pulled by donkeys. The brains are filled with Koranic verses of death and dismemberment. The food is primitive and primitively eaten. The clothing worn, no matter how adorned with chains and daggers, is primitive. The Crusaders would feel at home here as if time stood still. And the occupation of the people is hatred of the Jews.

Today, yes today, the western world is being attacked by the Islamic empire. Its values are being imposed on the gullible generous peoples of Europe. The rule of modern law will be replaced by Sharia, the rule of the ancient Koran. And Israel is being attacked again by the losers of six wars as well as that great Western power, the United States, that thinks its oil will be more secure in the hands of Arab autocrats and oligarchs

And the “tension” in the Middle East is caused by Israel’s existence. So let the western world aid in the de-legitimization and the very destruction of the State of Israel. Let the Palestinians return to the lands from which they and their five states of Arab armies lost their battles with the Jews. And let the Jews be chased in to the sea, there to perish, despite the despicable United Nations resolution to share the land. And all will be right with the world, again. As it is now?


Israel is America's stromgest ally in the Middle East. The United States should make that clear to the Arab world. And that's the TRUTH!! DON'T MESS WITH ISRAEL. DON'T THINK ANOTHER STATE WITH GUNS POINTED AT ISRAEL WILL BE ALLOWED TO EXIST. ENOUGH ALREADY!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The important question is, “Do Israel’s enemies know what’s right. In the sixty-two years of its existence, the Arab world has shown little proclivity for reaching a peaceful solution to the conflict between them. The Arab world and its citizens have shown little more than a proclivity and a desire to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the world’s maps.

Every negotiating session between Palestinians and Israelis has been sabotaged by the Arabs. Every step that Israel has taken to show its desire for peace by returning lands to the Arabs has resulted in greater turmoil and greater destruction. From Lebanon in the north to Gaza in the south, Israel has relinquished swaths of land only to see modern buildings destroyed and arable land returned to dessert. And in addition, it has reduced its level of safety from attack by its neighbors.

In addition, Palestinians residing in Israel, some with Israeli citizenship, have made no effort to pacify the conflict, homogenize the populations, adhere to the rule of law, or conduct their actions in such a way that reciprocity by Israel would bring a constructive relationship that could lead to peace.
The world powers see Israel as strong and the Palestinians as weak. Therefore, it must be Israel that relinquishes its wartime gains so the Arabs can once again try to retrieve “their” lands by force. Israel is lambasted in the U.N. by the U.N. and the preponderance of Moslem representation in its councils. There is no war of words. There is a constant barrage of resolutions designed to cast Israel in the light of the “Aggressor Nation.”

Now, Obama and Biden and Clinton are all upset about Israel’s intention to build housing in East Jerusalem - as if East Jerusalem, if donated to the Palestinians would end the conflict. Or if East Jerusalem were donated to the Palestinians, war, and terror would cease and construction would begin somewhere in that area of the world that would show peaceful intent.

Over the years, Israelis have become more jaded by Arab functioning and world pressure to make peace. There does not appear to be balance in the equation and Israelis have worked to hard to establish a homeland for the Jewish People, the likes of which does not exist in any other part of the world - compare to the huge swaths of arable Arab land and its huge wealth of oil.

Now enter Iran, the model of peaceful intent, with Ahmadinajad building up Iran’s military nuclear capability and bellowing that the Holocaust is a lie concocted by Jews to steal Arab land. And for once, the Arabs have embraced Persian non-Arabs to reap the benefits of Iran’s support of weaponry and terrorists to use it against Israel.

Someone must inform the United States and its government, Israel’s staunchest ally, and America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East, that Israel is the peace-loving one. Stop trying to weaken it in order to strengthen America’s negotiating posture.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Gush Shalom, an Israeli peace organization whose name means, "The Peace Bloc," has amassed a large number of Israelis to its cause, "The establishment of two states - one Jewish and one Palestinian - living side by side in peace in what used to be Palestine." The primary enemies of Gush Shalom are those groups and individuals who disagree with its goals and its methods for achieving those goals.

Gush Shalom performs many useful services in the cause for peace. Uri Avneri, the leading writer/activist in the movement, writes his messages of achieving the desired peace with a strong pen. He describes the affronts to Arab citizens of Israel with clarity and truth. Others also write, lecture, march in parades, stand in rallies, and work to protect Arab rights in Israel and to educate for a peaceful solution to more than a century of Arab (often violoent) opposition to Zionism, the conversion of The Ancient Biblical Land of Israel into a modern homeland for the Jewish People.

The opposition to Gush Shalom can be delineated by the political parties to which those opponents attach themselves. One of the pillars of these myriad parties is a clearly stated belief that the Jews of Israel, the Israelis, have such a measure of security from Arab/Palestinian attack, that nothing be done by the State that would jeopardize the safety and well-being of its inhabitants, and further, (depending on the party or parties) that no peace agreement be entered onto that might enhance by the Arabs or the Israeli government the potential military capability of the Palestinians who would form their own state alongside Israel.

In addition, on national, ethnic, and religious sides of the conflict are extremists who see no solution that can possibly be mutually acceptable. This is disproportionately true for the religious elements on both sides of the conflict. Every rock is holy. Every trespass is a desecration. Two parties cannot occupy the same space at the same time, ever.

So, though Jewish extremists are essentially defensive, Arab extremists call for death to the Jews; an obviously incompatible situation. Herein lies the source for the enormous conflicts in Jewish life and Israeli politics. There is no apparent "Live and Let Live," on the Arab side of the conflict. The vast majority of Arabs and now Iranian Muslims and other Islamists call for death to the Jews. And the Israelis of all political stripes know this, yet Gush Shalom believes there is a fair way out of the conflict. That way, according to Gush Shalom, is fairly.

In the face of entrenched regimes and religiously educated populations intent on the anihilation of the Jewish People, it would appear that the fanatic idealism of Gush Shalom will not provide a foundation for peace for Israel and the Palestinians. The mirage of rapprochement has borne little fruit. The polls show little trust and lots of animosity.

The questions that muat be answered before approaching the peace table are these; Who erodes talk of peace? Who promotes war and hatred? Who benefits from these positions?

These are not questions of what is fair, how to redress old grievances, how to assure security, how to promote peace? These are foundational questions that address the causes of war, the incitements of hatred and terror, the issue of legitamacy. Gush Shalom's efforts to "Make Nice" have little to zero impact on the outcome of war and peace any more than the terror of religious belief has.

Wealth and power are the determinants of war and peace. How many religionists want peace between Islam and Judaism? How many Arab national regimes must fall before peace can realistically be discussed and achieved? How are the arms merchants to be reined in away from this wealth-producing conflict?

The crude South African expression of farting against thunder is what is taking place here. Gush Shalom is close to being irrelevant. Their goals are desireable; their methods, a mirage.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Reading and seeing the news pertaining to the countries of the Muslim world as it is happening doesn’t appear to make sense to non-Muslims. News, generally of bad events, appears to be drawn more from the Arab world, the Muslim world, the world of Islam, than from the Western or modern world. The undeveloped nations that are not predominantly Muslim but rather warm-climate, jungle worlds, do not dominate the inches of the daily news columns as do the events of the Arab and non-Arab Muslim world.

First, what are the apparent changeable differences that distinguish the world of Islam, the Arab world, from the rest of the Peoples of the earth? Warm and hot climates, singularity of religion, primitive cultures and life styles, all are in evidence in non-Muslim countries. Except for natural devastating events; typhoons, earthquakes, parched-earth famines, uncontrollable epidemic illness, tsunamis; those countries do not merit newspaper column inches on a daily basis.

Are the hot sands and burning sun responsible for the elemental savagery and the vicissitudes of pain and suffering inflicted and experienced in the World of Allah? It is true that there are fewer cell phones, television sets, automobiles, power generation and distribution networks, in that world. But they are not alone in that condition.

Power struggles with their attendant blood-letting savagery are not unique to the Muslim world. It is demonstrably more prevalent and of greater magnitude in many Arab countries but the differences are not self explanatory. Stoning and beheading and dismemberment are more prevalent, more common, and more commonly accepted in that world than even in the savage backwater expanses of the Amazon or in the wretched jungle conflicts in the backwaters of Africa. They certainly are not every-day occurrences even in the most backward areas of uncivilized countries.

Over the centuries, tribalism in most countries was replaced with larger communal structures. With that growth, came a reduction in savagery regardless of climate, religion, or the development of industry replacing farming as the main source of wealth and stability. More to the point, this modernity spread geographically latitudinally across the globe. Even at the expense of decimation of native populations, modernity took over and replaced savagery. What happened in the Muslim world? No multiplicity of religions, no climate changes of significance, and very little in the way of modernity.

One common thread through time, place, and custom, held true and holds true today; “Wealth equals power and Power equals wealth.” Whatever worked, wherever it worked, and however it worked, that truism explains the world, its history, and the world as we know it today. Regardless of locale, regardless of geography or population, power controlled wealth and wealth controlled power. And, because the essence of religion is power over the minds of people, religion and wealth and power were always partners in whatever world they lived. They used and exploited each other to maintain wealth and power. And so it is in the Muslim world, less hidden, more clearly established and connected, and more developed and exposed in its usages than in the modern Western world. No matter the climate, no matter the modernity surrounding it, the Muslim world has its foundational pillar in the religion of Islam to the exclusion of all other religions - and explains its goals to the worlds of the “non-believers.”