Monday, December 8, 2008


The New York Times of December 5, 2008, carried a full page ad titled, “NO MOB VETO.”

The thirteen signers agreed to its very first - and verifiably truthful - sentence, “We’re a disagreeable lot.”

After obtaining information about the signatories and their backgrounds and organizations, the accuracy of that statement becomes amazingly clear. They indeed are a disagreeable lot. They are all Republicans, they range from Conservatives to extreme right wingers. And they all are adept at creating scary images of gays, liberals, Democrats, and Obama, among other bug-a-boos, with hyperbole such as “MOB” to identify those who strongly oppose what they believe to be sweet and sane anti-gay behavior, initiating and propagandizing a California Constitutional amendment through false T.V. advertising with an enormous outlay of money. is a project of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, an organization that purports to be a defender of religions against violence, VERBAL violence. This disagreeable lot, this right-wing mob, objects verbally and vehemently to your VERBAL and possibly vehement objections to California’s Proposition 8 that now constitutionally prohibits gay marriage.

So they want to veto your right to object to religion’s use of church funds, especially the Mormon church’s huge money war-chest, to vehemently initiate and promote a constitutional ban on gay marriage in California. (Do gays frighten Mormon polygamists more than do heterosexuals?) Clearly, the concept of “Separation of Church and State” is what they, as devout religionists, have determined that freedom to be; always bad for you and all ways good for us.

The moral of this story is that the Times ad was designed to “coerce your opponents into silence” while averring that your opponents were doing that to you. The NO MOB VETO ad describing opponents of Prop 8 as a mob, shows the nature of the Religious Right as a disagreeable MOB.

P.S. The United States State Department contributed to the ad.

P.P.S. Many of the supporter organizations of the ad maintain offices and lobbyists in or near Washington, D.C.

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