Thursday, March 18, 2010


The important question is, “Do Israel’s enemies know what’s right. In the sixty-two years of its existence, the Arab world has shown little proclivity for reaching a peaceful solution to the conflict between them. The Arab world and its citizens have shown little more than a proclivity and a desire to wipe the State of Israel off the face of the world’s maps.

Every negotiating session between Palestinians and Israelis has been sabotaged by the Arabs. Every step that Israel has taken to show its desire for peace by returning lands to the Arabs has resulted in greater turmoil and greater destruction. From Lebanon in the north to Gaza in the south, Israel has relinquished swaths of land only to see modern buildings destroyed and arable land returned to dessert. And in addition, it has reduced its level of safety from attack by its neighbors.

In addition, Palestinians residing in Israel, some with Israeli citizenship, have made no effort to pacify the conflict, homogenize the populations, adhere to the rule of law, or conduct their actions in such a way that reciprocity by Israel would bring a constructive relationship that could lead to peace.
The world powers see Israel as strong and the Palestinians as weak. Therefore, it must be Israel that relinquishes its wartime gains so the Arabs can once again try to retrieve “their” lands by force. Israel is lambasted in the U.N. by the U.N. and the preponderance of Moslem representation in its councils. There is no war of words. There is a constant barrage of resolutions designed to cast Israel in the light of the “Aggressor Nation.”

Now, Obama and Biden and Clinton are all upset about Israel’s intention to build housing in East Jerusalem - as if East Jerusalem, if donated to the Palestinians would end the conflict. Or if East Jerusalem were donated to the Palestinians, war, and terror would cease and construction would begin somewhere in that area of the world that would show peaceful intent.

Over the years, Israelis have become more jaded by Arab functioning and world pressure to make peace. There does not appear to be balance in the equation and Israelis have worked to hard to establish a homeland for the Jewish People, the likes of which does not exist in any other part of the world - compare to the huge swaths of arable Arab land and its huge wealth of oil.

Now enter Iran, the model of peaceful intent, with Ahmadinajad building up Iran’s military nuclear capability and bellowing that the Holocaust is a lie concocted by Jews to steal Arab land. And for once, the Arabs have embraced Persian non-Arabs to reap the benefits of Iran’s support of weaponry and terrorists to use it against Israel.

Someone must inform the United States and its government, Israel’s staunchest ally, and America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East, that Israel is the peace-loving one. Stop trying to weaken it in order to strengthen America’s negotiating posture.

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