Friday, February 22, 2008


The conflict in Iraq will continue until the Power Elites of the United States and its associate Power Elites that were involved in the decision to enter Iraq initially and subsequently, are assured that the oil wealth in the ground will inure to their control.

For this control to be assured requires a partner Iraqi government and cessation of substantially all the internecine and inter-mural conflicts that prevent that control from being exercised. That government will be established when the the larger Power Elites agree on the division of the assets being fought over and when smaller Power Elites are assured of some portion of the spoils of war. To date, (February 2008) the dancing and romancing and killing prohibit the establishment of a less than shakey coalition government. However, there are signs of increased cooperation growing on the willingness of the more arrogant and more powerful to give up larger than anticipated shares of "their" wealth just to put out the large number of brush fires in the country.

What continues unabated are the terror activities of the loony Islaamic fundamentalist fringes for whom control of wealth is a side issue. For them, control of the future is more important. Their evaluation of Power has more to do with control of populations than of material assets. It is not for lack of appreciation of the value of Iraq's assets. It lies in their belief that by controlling the population, they will indeed control the oil of the country. Stabilization of the conflict through the establishment of "normal" government functioning, is anathema to the fundamentalist leadership. (By the way, my use of the word "looney" derives from my strong belief that sanity lies in valuing human life over self and population immolation for the cause; any cause except self defense.)

The conflict will end for sure. The question is, "When will it end?" I have no yardstick by which to measure the future and provide an answer. What I do know is that Power Elites of all kinds and sizes will continue to seek ways to increase and protect their power and that "have-nots" will continue to try to reverse their fortunes.

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