Tuesday, June 16, 2009


What NK and Iran have are angry paranoid nukes. Both perceive they have been oppressed or invaded by the West, NK in 1950 and Iran a few years later when the CIA got rid of a nationalist leader who wanted a fair shake for Iran. Truman agreed with that but as soon as he was replaced by Ike, Dulles ordered CIA to proceed. This is recent history to these two victims of imperialism, as they perceive it, and they don't trust America. They feel they can never have enough protection against us and will not disarm just to improve Obama's chances for reelection. Iran sees it's position with Israel as kill or be killed. They know Israel would've already attacked if it could have done so successfully. If we felt that way about enemies, we'd act overly defensive too. Hey, wait a minute! Guess what? We do! Why, we tail and imprison suspicious foreigners at the drop of a fez. Our native rightwing terrorists are allowed to march around with assault rifles and shoot up liberals at will as we hunt down veiled women and send them packing, making friends all over the world.



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