Monday, March 24, 2008


Before I approach my subject of health care, let me reiterate my belief that the American People are intentionally educated, indoctrinated if you will, with ignorance about how they are being scammed by the systematic cooperation of business and government to the financial aggrandizement of business and to the detriment of the financial condition of the American People. Major beneficiaries of this national socialism are the health care industry, armament industry, insurance industry, oil industry, agricultural industry, natural resource expoitation industries and the food industry. (An example, if you will. How much money went INTO the pockets of the American People from the trillions spent for the Iraq war? None! WHERE DID ALL THOSE TRILLIONS COME FROM? The American People! WHERE DID ALL THOSE TRILLIONS GO? Wealthy industrialist shareholders!)

I have been in the health care delivery industry for twenty years. I provide health care. The money being paid for my delivery of health care is being sucked out of my pocket (and yours) by the government and the health care insurance industry.

Ignorance is important to the success of this unholy partnership of government and "health" insurers simply because the system becomes slightly vulnerable when the voting booths are open to allow a change of politicians who must operate the system. A well educated population, given the facts and the understanding to go along with that knowledge, may become disruptive to the smooth operation of the system and choose politicians who not only promise to make changes but who have the intellectual and moral power to withstand the enormous pressure put on them to "go along" for their benefit and the benefit of "their constituents.

The politicians' true constituents are the ones who ply them with small money and emoluments and cheap goodies for themselves and their voting public, to the DETRIMENT of their voting public.

Now to health care. Michael Moore created a documentary motion picture of the travesty of our system of insuring for and the non-delivery of health care in the United States. If you are reading this, you are probably aware of the enormous smear campaign waged against him and the film, "Sicko." The campaign succeeded in its goal of de-educating those who saw the film and even those who never went to see it because of the smear campaign. The documentary showed the truth of the system that in return for money, provides insurance policies that are designed to be meaningless in times of health care need.

The government talks about and in small measure provides "COVERAGE" for health care. The insurance industry provides, if anything, what it calls "COVERAGE." The American People have been educated in ignorance to believe that they need "COVERAGE." Let me explain what "COVERAGE" is. It is real money that goes to insurance companies for fake health care coverage. NO INSURANCE COMPANY PROVIDES HEALTH CARE. It is ALWAYS in the insurance company's best interests to DENY health care that they have been paid to provide.

The government allows this because the government is made up of individuals who benefit from that same pocket that holds the health care COVERAGE money. The education of ignorance continues by convincing the American People to believe that the government will do a poorer job of providing health care than the companies that only provide COVERAGE. The American People believe that they do not want the government to decide the what, when, where, why, and who will provide health care. They have been indoctrinated to believe that it is better and wiser to have insurance companies take their health care money directly (or through their taxes poured into the insurance industry's coffers) and provide them with COVERAGE when they really need health care. The American People would rather have COVERAGE than health care.

What a great educational coup. Exchange your native intelligence for government issued ignorance.I would suggest that Libertarians, people who are close to anarchists in philosophy but have a fancier name, continue to obtain their health care from insurance companies. The American People should demand that the whole health care delivery system be turned over to the government and force the government, by elections, to provide health care. Only then will they get a reasonably fair health care deal from that well known, non-profit organization, the American Government.

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