Saturday, October 31, 2009

The World has Two Classes

The world, your world, has two classes; the Rich and Powerful, and The Rest of Us. If you don't know which class you belong to, you are in "The Rest of Us."

Politically, if you are in the leadership grouping of any government other than a dictatorship, you are The Rest of Us.
Militarily, if you are in any rank but not the dictator, you are The Rest of Us.
Religiously, if you are any level including the top rank of your religious structure, you are The Rest of Us.
Artistically, no matter how high you are in your field or how wealthy and well-known you are, you are The Rest of Us.
Professionally, no matter how high in your field or how wealthy and well-known you are, you are The Rest of Us.
Financially and industrially, if you do not know what class you are in, you are The Rest of Us.
If you are employed by the Rich and Powerful, you are The Rest of Us.

If your world is not connected to the whole world, you may be the Rich and Powerful, but not for long if your world has anything worth acquiring by the whole world's Rich and Powerful.

The Rich and Powerful eat at the table. The Rest of Us eat under the table, and then only the crumbs, the left-overs, the tough parts, the small or burnt portions. The Rest of Us fight each other for whatever is under the table. The Rest of Us kill each other for whatever is under the table - often in the belief that we will be rewarded with a place at the table. That almost never happens, and if it does, it is only temporary.

The Rich and Powerful travel apart from The Rest of Us. They vacation apart from The Rest of Us. They belong to clubs closed The Rest of Us. They know each other and help each other. They belong to families that have been known for generations. They belong to families that have known each other for generations. Money is not a key into the world of the Rich and Powerful. Vast money may be forged into a key, but not always.

The Rich and Powerful need The Rest of Us. The Rest of Us do not need the Rich and Powerful. More correctly, we do not need the Rich and Powerful to exploit and enslave The Rest of Us. But The Rest of Us must learn how to undo the burden of exploitation and slavery.

How? By rejecting religion, patriotism, unequalism and inequality, and by teaching and learning the need for self -fulfillment to the extent of each individual's capability, and cooperative functioning and sharing.

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