Monday, July 6, 2009



The news and the information coming out of Iran relating to the recent election create blaring warning signals for the world. The establishment of a militaristic theological state that benefits the military and theological establishments seems an ordered future for Iran. With the creation of atomic capability in this closed society, the world is threatened with an atomic catastrophe that will make Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem like firecrackers.

The first victim of this “new order” will be Israel, of course. Now desperately attempting to create a rocket response barrier to annihilation while also trying to convince the world of imminent danger to established order, Israel is in the position of Chicken Little running around claiming the heavens are falling because of the acorn that fell on her head. But Ehud Barack is no Chicken Little. The intelligence apparatus renowned for its high capability is sounding a reasonable alarm.

Yet, what can the world do? The effete United Nations has shown both its ineffectiveness in conflict situations and its bias against Israel that results from the preponderance of anti-Israel Arab and Muslim nations who vote anti-Israel knee-jerk resolutions ad infinitum. The sordid story of Palestinian victimhood at the hands of their Arab brethren who point to Israel as the source of their calamitous existence is expanded to tie the hands of the world peace body even when the very existence of their states and their peoples is threatened by this atomic threat.

Iran will have its way with the world, having learned well the lessons taught by that theatrical state, Korea. The difference appears to be that with all its pomposity and swagger, Korea recognizes that its geographical position has placed it at China’s and the world’s mercy. Iran believes that it possesses a magic formula of geographic and maritime location and oil in the ground that will someway impress rational nations and prevent them from intruding on its nefarious plans to “only” eradicate Israel as an example of its machismo, in defiance of civilized functioning.

I predict that Israel will be forced to act, as it did in 1967, preemptively, to assure its continued existence. In some bizarre way and for some inscrutable reason, the world is forcing it to do so without support. In addition, the world will turn on Israel for doing the world’s work.

The trigger that sends the bullet on its way will be the murder of Iranis who dared to challenge the military-theocratic complex.

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