Sunday, May 10, 2009


The Judgment of Solomon

The saying is based upon the Biblical passage in 1 Kings 3:16-28, where two new mothers approach Solomon, bringing with them one dead baby boy. Each mother presents the same story and accusation: She and the other woman live together and have both recently given birth to baby boys. One night, soon after the birth of their respective boys, the other woman woke to find that she had smothered her own baby in her sleep. In anguish and jealousy, she took her dead son and exchanged it with the other's child. The following morning, the woman discovered the dead baby, and soon realized that it was not her own son, but the other woman's.

After some deliberation, King Solomon calls for a sword to be brought before him. He declares that there is only one fair solution: the live son must be split in two, each woman receiving half of the child. Upon hearing this terrible verdict, the boy's true mother cries out, "Please, My Lord, give her the live child - do not kill him!" However, the liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaims, "It shall be neither mine nor yours - divide it!" Solomon instantly gives the live baby to the real mother, realizing that the true mother's instincts were to protect her child, while the liar revealed that she did not truly love the child.

Solomon by his wisdom avoids the destruction of the subject matter of the dispute (the baby). There is no reason to believe that destruction was ever his intent
Today the world is looking at a similar enigma involving two Peoples; the Palestinian People and the Jewish People. The land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River is coveted by both Peoples. More to the point, the Jewish People lives under the death threat of the Arab – and Persian – world. The Palestinians have been and are supported in their wish to drive the Jews into the sea by the inhabitants of the world of Islam. That world is actively training the martyrs who will attempt to carry out the annihilation. The Nazi Holocaust that destroyed over six million Jews is to be partially completed by the Muslim destruction of the State of Israel’s Jewish population. So, despite that destruction, the Jewish People will continue to live and bring benefit to the world as they have for all the millennia of their existence.

Enter Barack Obama, the new president of the United States. Wielding the tremendous power of his powerful country, he will be sitting on Solomon’s throne. Will he find in judgment the benefit of cutting the coveted land in half? This Holy Land that gave birth to the Hebrew nations and the Jewish People was occupied by Jewish religionists for five thousand years and prayed to by the Jewish People in their Diasporas that they would return to the Land in the coming year. Will Obama convince the world’s nations that peace will be achieved only by giving to the Arab peoples another swath of the Holy Land similarly to Winston Churchill’s chopping off the major portion of the Jews’ ancient land to establish a Bedouin Kingdom of Trans-Jordan.
And if a comparison is made between what the two Peoples have done on their divided shares of territory, a sad conclusion must be reached that poverty, disease, lack of education, exploitation of the poor, primitiveness in all aspects of daily life have permeated the Muslim sections while the benefits of and to modernity and a better world emanate from the Jewish State.

So where is the benefit of a Two-State Solution to the Middle East conflict, the benefit of slicing the land in half? Jews cannot live in peace in the Muslim world. They must live in constant fear for their very lives. Arabs who are native to the Palestinian territories may live in peace in Israel and enjoy better health, a higher standard of living, education, and equality founded on acceptance of Israel’s right to exist. This would be the modern Judgment of Solomon.

Are you listening, Barack Obama?

1 comment:

Eva said...

I am not sure you are right. Given the population growth in time the Jews would be a minority in Israel.
Israel is a democracy which means that eventually it would become a Muslim country and we know how that works for Jews.