Wednesday, January 21, 2009


BARACK LINCOLN OBAMA - January 20, 2009

It is time!

The ghost of Abraham Lincoln stood next to Barack Obama at Tuesday’s inauguration of the 44th president of the United States. He saw the bible on which Obama’s hand rested as he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States, his bible.

It is time.

He saw the 43rd president nearby and the assembled dignitaries and the assembled predators. He looked out to see the people massed past George Washington’s monument and uncounted hundreds of thousands more breathing the cold winter air as they listened to old words and new promises from the man, Barack Obama who was chosen, miraculously as he was, to lead his country at a time of parlous danger.

It is time.

Lincoln shrugged and wondered how this compleat man, experienced as he was and inexperienced as he is, would pilot his time’s ship of state through monstrous heaving seas of testing and peril. Lincoln felt he was father to this man as indeed he was in many ways. Would that he could stay the hand of Obama as was Abraham’s at his testing on Mount Moriah. Would that he could instill in this Goliath the wisdom to dodge David’s smooth stone and instill in this David the capacities to chasten the giants of war around him and lead them to peace to spare the killing of the small people of the earth.

It is time.

Would this man, President Barack Obama, see the dangers of hidden powers surrounding him, infiltrating the ranks of trusted advisors, influencing slyly small numbers to join forces to become the movers and shakers, observe the tactics of skilled manipulators of the People’s representatives in the halls of government, and having seen them, maintain the solid ramparts of honesty, fairness, humaneness, and equality to prevent the dam-bursting flood of evil where once stood good and good intentions?

It is time.

Lincoln himself also knew that if this man, President Barack Obama, succeeded, he would face mortal danger, and he shuddered. And if lightening were to strike,

it would not be time.

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