Friday, March 14, 2008

THE IMPORTANCE OF IGNORANCE - Oh Lower Class, Your Ignorance is Foundational


When you are ignorant, you can be and generally are, happy with life as you know it. Ignorance is a major foundational element of all existing social and economic structures on earth. It is also the most hidden foundational element of all social and economic structures. It is also the most carefully tended to because if that foundation fails, the existing social and economic order of all societies would crumble.

All societies have classes, and that is good because the variety in humankind can then be used to the society’s best advantage. All economic structures have classes, and that too is good for the same reason. The mental and physical strengths and weaknesses of individuals can be utilized to best advantage for themselves and their societies and work-places. Communist theory proposed eliminating classes. The classless society was to obtain from each according to his ability and provide to each according to his needs. But that was only theory. In practice, communist societies, led by their “upper” classes, continued the practice of capitalist societies of rewarding strength and exploiting weakness. The “success” model of capitalist societies prevailed despite the theoretical attractiveness of the communist model.

Sharing equally in the benefits that earth bestows and sharing the benefits of ownership of the means of production and giving the best one could and getting an equal share of the benefits and wealth that was produced in that system, though seemingly a very natural and wonderful way of ordering a society, was not acceptable to history’s established operational orders. Empires are not built on cooperative models. They are built with a variety of power models in the society and in the economic structure of the society and the world. Intelligence is the basis of the power and ignorance is the basis of the weakness and in economic structures they are in constant conflict. The power of intelligence is overwhelming while to think of ignorance of having any power at all seems ridiculous, except in numbers. But it is like the power of one machine gun against thousands of bows and arrows.

It has been and continues to be an imperative of the ruling classes of the world to assure the continuation of ignorance. Education of children in the use of sub-machine guns, the wearing of explosive belts, and the denigration of normal schooling, continues ignorance. An example of nation-wide ignorance can be seen in the population of the United States accepting the paying their good money to insurance companies for health care, actually paying more than any other nation on earth and receiving twenty-fifth place in the Western World in the delivery of health care. Ignorance in the Moslem world of the very existence of Western mores and values is now leading millions of people into danger of war, and ignorance in Africa has lead to widespread disease.

The sad fact is that ignorance is an important foundation of societies and is used by Power Elites to retain, protect, and aggrandize their wealth.

More to come.

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