Thursday, February 28, 2008


History has shown that all societies in all places at all times were and are comprised of two classes with vastly different amounts of power to influence how the immediate society and the outside world and its peoples will conduct themselves; one class with enormous power, the Power Elite, and the other, with miniscule power, the Clueless Class – whatever their rank or position or source or amount of income, whose members are essentially powerless except for the power they can exert within their particular social, economic, cultural, or religious milieus.

Odd as it may appear, the two classes are not and have never been in conflict with each other but rather are in a total symbiotic relationship. As with most such relationships, the ones who produce the honey are not the beneficiaries of that production. For their benefit, one of the great canards promoted by the Power Elites is that individuals belong to several substantially different economic classes within the societal structure of their nation when in fact only two real classes exist; the Power Elites and all others.

Those nations that have participatory governmental systems - as when people vote for other people to represent their wishes and govern them - are most often comprised of people educated/indoctrinated to believe that they belong to classes and groupings of people in some form of hierarchy that vote their interests and beliefs and have impact on the future events in their lives. The descriptions of “Middle Class” and “Lower Class” and “Upper Class” and “Poor Class” and “Have-Nots” and “Street People” intentionally pit segments of the population against other segments of the population by dividing the people into those who hold certain types of jobs and have a sum of disposable income against those who hold other types of jobs and different amounts of disposable income.

Religious Orders and churches of various belief systems assist the Power Elites by adumbrating the differences between the Classes, i.e., “We are all God’s children, made in His image” plus, “You’ll get pie in the sky when you die.” Castes, guilds, Service Clubs, political parties, local power elites (the banker, the factory owner, and the like,) generally belong to opposing political parties they believe best represent their interests. In ALL societies of any political, social, geographical, and economic make-up, there exist two classes – and only two classes; the Power Elite and every other human being in that society. If you belong to the Power Elite, you know it. If you do not belong, you may not know it but are probably a member of the Clueless Class and by historical practice, help the Power Elite retain its power.

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