Thursday, March 12, 2009


Our children are the foundation of future peace between our Peoples. Unless and until we believe, feel, and act toward all our children with parental love as if each one of them, Arab and Jew, belongs to "me," and unless and until we educate them to "PEACE," we and they, in all our generations, shall continue to suffer the agonies of war, hatred, poverty, disease, and ignorance.

Let us begin now to lay the foundations for the peace that our prior and present generations have not been able to achieve. Let us invest our love for our children and grandchildren, time, effort, and money, to bring our future generations to the happiness of peace. Let us demand of the powers that rule our Peoples, our governments and religious institutions, that they create in our schools, mosques, and synagogues, educational programs for peace. Let us demand that the drive for peace be elevated from individual efforts and volunteer peace organizations to government and religious institutions.

The education for peace - and war - lies in the schools systems of our nations. Those systems, governmental and religious, must be forced by peace-loving citizens to embark on a new course in education. Let us demand that teachers be taught to teach peace. Let us demand that teachers be given the tools to teach peace. Let us demand that the books used in our educational systems contain meaningful age-appropriate lessons for peace - rather than the messages of war that they presently contain. Let us demand that our educational systems idolize and idealize peace rather than war. Let our religious and lay leaders preach the martyrdom of life and love rather than death and hatred.

Unless and until our children and their children are actively taught PEACE by their parents and teachers and religious leaders, they shall always boil in the cauldrons of war.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well, Mom, today we learned that by killing Jews we can go directly to heaven without passing GO. Our Imam told us that as children of the Jihadi Middle School, we would soon have our own Kalashnikovs. But first we will have to practice with wooden guns. Also, our shop teacher will show us how to sharpen our knives so we can behead Americans easily. All of us boys were very excited. In the yard at recess time, we attacked each other to see who was fastest and strongest. You know Akram, the kid from down the street, the skinny one? Well, we nearly killed him, but we didn’t. I don’t think we are allowed to do that, yet.

We also learned to thank Allah that we are not girls. Girls are weak and stupid, aren’t they, Mom. They better stay away from our school. We’re liable to kill them if they talk to us or show us their hair. The Imam said that girls must be kept behind the walls of their houses and taught to be useful to us men. They better come when we call, and come quick! Isn’t that right, Mom? They have to learn their place. Don’t they, Mom? Unless they agree to wear suicide-belts and kill non-believers. Then they are OK and can become shaheeds, martyrs, like us boys.

After school a few of us boys went near the coffee shop to play. I heard Muchmad’s Dad talking about how he and the men of the tribe went down to the village last week and after they drank their coffee and played a few games of Sheshbesh, decided to go see the new doctor. He said that they had better tell him that new-fangled ways don't go here in our village. So they told the doctor not to treat women or he would be very sorry. Very very sorry. Why is that Mom? Who treats women?

Hey Mom, what’s two times two?